It’s been a while!…Please forgive me!?…


moving day!


As a new blogger and verryyyyy tired new old house home owner…I really hope you will accept my apology. If you can’t please don’t tell me cause I may just sit down and cry!…hmmm the sitting sounds good! The cryin not so much!

I apologize because I promised to tell you the good and the bad and keep you posted about our latest remodel journey…However, I sorta fell off the grid for a few weeks!…So sorry about that! I am back now, so let’s catch up!

UPDATE…We have moved into the house and have been sleeping here for 3 weeks!…but my oh my…it’s more like “camping out” in a disorganized, semi hoarder like space! Chris and I are sleeping on two sofas in the living room!…  

the living room aka our “bedroom”

 The dining room is packed with chairs (I bought to redo and are too big for our space)…all my “simply tovi” soon to be reworked treasures and boxes and boxes of stuff to unpack!

On the plus side…The kids rooms are mostly “done”…the beds are up and their clothes are put away (sometimes). The boys crazy outdated bathroom works but is so not pretty!…and Livi’s bathroom well let’s just say…OMG!…She discovered that under the white tile…actually it was painted over tile…was lovely original green tile (which happens to be her fave color). So what else to do BUT start scraping if off! UGGG it’s tiring and slow and we are ONLY here after 4 weeks of intermittently scraping! 


the white painted over tile slowly “turning” green

It’s dirty and messy and the paint scrapings cling to everything. All we can do is Keep Calm and Scrape On!

Our bedroom is the slowest (and to date the largest project of all). Sweet Chris works full time and I work a lot and we have 4 kids and everyday life to tend to etc etc…so we have worked on it when we can, but today the room will be painted and soon the floors can be refinished. We are getting closer to having a room! The ceiling is now 8 feet instead of 7….and that might not be the ideal “up to the rafters” height we dreamed of but sure beats the heck out of the cave like feeling it had! Chris and the boys took out two layers of ceiling to expose and use the “raftered” ceiling. 

All along the way, we have tried not to lose site of the world around us!…We have been welcomed by the neighbors and encouraged by friends who bring gifts and smiles and hugs….


key lime pie, peonies and champagne! ❤️
We have enjoyed meals cooked in the freshly painted kitchen, have watched the news together and have ached for the people in Nepal and worried for the people in Baltimore. We have enjoyed some laughs, a little down time and at night we have started to sleep and dream and get used to the whistle of the trains. We have planned and replanned and worked and worked some more.

Over the years, I have read and heard that to buy an old home, takes love, and patience, and a vision of the past to carry into the future, constant work and a lot of money and time. We can now wholeheartedly agree BUT have jumped in with arms outstretched and eyes wide open! Side by side, smile by smile…we can do this! 🙂


the best crew ❤️
team work ❤️

One thought on “It’s been a while!…Please forgive me!?…

  1. Bill Abbitt May 3, 2015 / 8:19 pm

    Been there….done that….!
    Bless y’all!


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